Geki-kara was introduced to me to try and I’m surprised I didn’t hear about it years ago. It’s Tonkotsu’s own extra hot ramen that has been warned to be very fiery due to the scotch bonnet chilli mash inside the broth. Because it’s for a limited time and the Winter menu is changing soon, you have to at least go Tonkotsu once to try this as soon as possible!
Geki-kara was introduced to me and I’m surprised I didn’t hear about it before. It’s Tonkotsu’s own extra hot ramen that has been warned to be very fiery due to the scotch bonnet chilli mash inside the broth. As someone with a Jamaican background, this is the second time I’ve heard about the idea of a scotch bonnet ramen and it was something I really wanted to try.
Scotch bonnet is the Caribbean’s main hot sauce, just like the Koreans have their gochujang and the Portuguese have Piri Piri. It’s a complete different taste to Asian or European spices.

It was a very interesting but tasty flavouring indeed. I loved the broth with the noodles and as the familar scotch bonnet flavour came down my throat, I thought it does have a great kick to it. But it’s not a burning feeling unless you eat way too quickly, more like it’s a nice warming feeling for you especially when you eat this during colder days.
What I realised is that this scotch bonnet ramen starts to get more creamier as you eat more and less spicer I would say. But the creamy taste kind of ruins it once it gets cooler so it’s best ot eat while it’s still hot!

My only complaint is that I would love to savour the taste more and try again if there was less broth and more noodles to the dish. I would say for spice lovers, it’s about a 4/9 for spicy lovers because the more you eat it, I feel that it takes more bearable and enjoyable. But for average foodies, 6/9 is a relatively good score for those who are not used to the taste of scotch bonnet I would have to say. There’s something about the spice dripping off the noodles rather than sticking in the broth that makes it more delicious to have, please try it at Tonkotsu while you can!

63 Dean Street, London, W1D 4QG @tonkotsulondon ・